Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Day

It's a regular day of classes here in China, but part of today's assignment was to express appreciation for the things for which my students were most grateful... at the top of almost every list: #1-Parents; #2-Grandparents; #3-Teachers ...Gotta love those guys!!

Special treat for Grace and me:  My sister, Betsy and her two arrive tonight from Shanghai for a six-team tournament.  Son Ryan (behind #3) is a power forward on the SCIS Dragons, and we will get to see him play tomorrow (they've given us the day-after-Thanksgiving off ;-)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

November Office Hours

Grace and I spend about 8 hours/week in our office... most of the time we have between two and twenty students there and talk about anything and everything!
Here's a look at two groups from the past week... terrific group of young men and women!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Grace in Charge

Here's a look at the staff and crew 15 minutes before we turned down the lights and opened the doors for our November Coffee House with ten of our BIT teachers in attendance.  The crew is composed of students who are officers and members of the Pretty English Association.

This month's theme was "Thankfulness"... Grace served as MC and did a super job... I'm really thankful for her!
A panoramic view of classroom 2-B505 after its Coffee House makeover, with Grace introducing special guests.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Beijing Residents

Hwa Mok and Thomas are Juniors at Beijing Business and Economics University

We got together with our Korean friend, Hwa Mok Kim, last year, but it has been a full year since we saw him since he lives a full two hour commute away on the north side of the city... this time he made the trip, and brought his Indonesian friend, Thomas.  We had fun showing them our apartment and campus, and then going out for Chinese!

I was his Principal in Nicaragua from Preschool through Grade 7!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

A New Section of the Wall

At Juyong Pass with little brother Mike, his wife Suzanne and a woman who asked to be in our picture
I realize it's the second entry in a row of us on the Wall with family, and you're probably wondering, "are they actually working or on a fairy-tale vacation in China?"

The answer is, "Actually, both... like all teachers we have plenty of work to do, but there's always room to work in time for family and friends!"

Find time in your own schedules and come see us!