Sunday, May 25, 2014

Kara's Engagement Pics

There is a link to 25 pictures like this one on my FB... Grace and I are four and a half weeks away from wrapping things up (for this year) in China, and we're inside of two-and-a-half months away from the BIG day in Atlanta!

Here in China, the number 8 is considered perfect for love and marriage, because (like ) it never ends... what better day to start a lifetime of love and shared experiences than the eighth day of the eighth month!

Basketball Intramurals

Don't know whether it was the fact that I was wearing a tie, that I was the oldest person or the only foreigner in attendance, but after watching some of my students win the intramural basketball championship, they asked me to present the trophies... leaving me five minutes to get to class!
The guys in red had the nicer uniforms, but you'll notice they're holding the second place trophy...

Monday, May 19, 2014

May Coffee House

The final coffee house of the 2013-2014 school year was the largest ever... featuring live performances, trivia competition, and twelve tables of lively discussion at each of the two sessions on the topic of "Men and Women".                Next Coffee House:  October 2014!
Pictured are the Leadership Team of the Pretty English Association and the 7 "foreign experts" who teach on their campus.