Friday, October 31, 2014


Our Canadian teammate hosted a little get-together with some of our freshman English majors... a little pumpkin carving, mask coloring, movie watching party... a first Halloween for these sixteen teenagers and they sure seemed to be enjoying themselves! 

So, I suppose you could say college is not all study, study, study :-)

Friday, October 24, 2014

Brain Storm

The first topic for tonight's talk session in the Pretty English club office was "How do you confess you love creatively to another person?"

14 college students present, only one of whom had ever had a boy or girlfriend... these guys have literally lived their lives to this point with the singular goal of getting into a good college.

Grace and I had fun with this one...

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A First!

I have a great time visiting with students every week during my office hours... students stop by for an hour or two at a time to chat about anything from what's new in their lives to how to prepare for graduate school exams. At one point this afternoon I realized that all of those present were former students, none of whom are in any of my classes this term... kinda cool to know it's not about getting a higher grade in my class!
L2R: Dennis, Jessica, Hermione, Lily, John, Mark, Elsa, Debby, Joyce, Doris and Rebecca

Monday, October 20, 2014

Crab Dinner

Our young friend, JP, has been saying every Sunday this month that "we must try the crab while it is in season!" 

Well, apparently all the suitable restaurant options have been booked solid (for weddings), so we went with dinner Monday... a great break from the routine, chance to sample an October favorite (it's a special river crab... the pot is filled with tofu) and spend a little time with a sharp young man!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Common Ground

First Coffee House of the school year... this one with "Fears and Phobias" as the theme.  We chatted about the things we're afraid of and how to keep from being paralyzed by them... in some cases, about the bigger picture so often ignored until the point of desperation.
Pictured during the student entertainment portion of our program... the kids love British and North American music.

Monday, October 6, 2014

New Classes

I have two of these three-hour Freshman Speaking & Listening classes... 55 students is less than optimal for an ESL conversation class, but we'll make it work!